What is digital resilience?
“Digital resilience is achieved primarily through experience, rather than learning and it is fostered by opportunities to confide in trusted others and later reflect upon online challenges.”
— UKCIS Digital Resilience Framework
Whether socialising, exploring, creating or working people encounter risks online. It is neither possible nor desirable to shield people entirely from risk.
Learning how to recognise and manage risk, learn from difficult experiences, recover and stay well, is a vital part of individual development and agency.
Digital resilience is a ‘dynamic personality asset’ that is developed through online activities in safe, managed environments. This goes hand in hand with appropriate support and guidance the individual may want or need. Having support to recover and re-engage with digital opportunities is equally important.
Families, carers, educators, policy makers, frontline service workers and industry all have a role to play in making sure that they are contributing to an ecosystem that supports resilience and does not undermine it…. Read more
Learn how you can apply digital resilience in your context with the digital resilience framework
The framework.
An open framework and tool for organisations, policymakers, schools and companies to use to embed digital resilience thinking into products, education and services.
Case studies.
Examples of how the digital resilience framework has been applied in a range of contexts.
Help for professionals and parents for when a child has been harmed online.
“ [Recovery] depends on the support provided to the child and their family, and the right messages must be given from the very start”
Supporting independence through digital resilience.
“Many of the individuals we work with are experiencing complex challenges that may make them more vulnerable online - ensuring people are safer and more resilient online as part of their overall independence is increasingly important in our work.”
Addressing online extremism by building resilient families.
“The power of the framework is that it can be applied in many ways for specific scenarios ”
About us.
The Digital resilience Working Group (DRWG) is one of six working groups within the UK Council for Internet Safety. The aim of the digital resilience working group is to develop and co-ordinate activity on a digital resilience strategy which enables individuals to have the digital skills and emotional understanding to feel empowered to take action when they encounter problems online.
The group is co-chaired by Vicki Shotbolt and Dr Richard Graham with group members drawn from a select cross-section of expert organisations. Read more