Case studies.
Helping pupils make the best choices about what to watch, when and where.
Following our own research into viewing in the home we have incorporated considered thinking about digital and real world resilience into our wider education and outreach work which includes presentations and interactive sessions, school visits with primary and secondary aged learners and online resources and activities…
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Help for professionals and parents for when a child has been harmed online.
Marie Collins Foundation
Recovery starts at the point of discovery, and our response to a disclosure or discovery of online sexual abuse will impact on the recovery process for the child involved. It is much more likely that abuse will be discovered rather than disclosed and we must consider the specific impact of this discovery on the child.
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Making Middlesbrough one of the safest places for a child to grow up online.
Middlesbrough Vulnerable, Exploited, Missing and Trafficked (VEMT) practitioners group
We have completely changed our approach, even down to changing the name of our unit from the Risk Reduction Team to the Risk and Resilience Team, and we now adopt a similar resilience framework for all risk interventions, not just for those that are digital.
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Supporting independence through digital resilience
Your Own Place
Many of the individuals we work with are experiencing complex challenges that may make them more vulnerable online. As it is now almost essential to be online in order to access services and not be cut off from friends, family or support - ensuring people are safer and more resilient online as part of their overall independence is increasingly important in our work.
Addressing online extremism by building resilient families
Parent Zone
The Resilient Families programme addresses a very serious and complex issue – and it does this for a wide-ranging audience of ages, knowledge and experience. The challenge is to communicate a consistent message across multiple training and educational resources designed for this diverse audience, in a way that can intersect and be applied across a whole community.
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